List of tgcBIOMICS Patents
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1. WO9929884: „tgc Method for Inducing Targeted Somatic Transgenesis“
Patent pending:
- AU751517 Canada
- US6825028 Japan
- U.S.A. (divisional application)
2. WO2006108574: Method for the Delivery of Exogenous Antigens into the MHC Class I Pathway of Cells
Patent pending:
- U.S.A.
- Europe
3. WO2007016912: Test system for Detecting Salmonella
Patent pending:
- Germany
- Europe
- U.S.A.
4. WO2007087851: Method for Producing Epitomers and their Uses on Carrier Microorganisms
Patent pending:
- Europe
- U.S.A.