ELISA kits

ELISA kits

Product Code Name and description Manual Format and Size Price in Euro
TGC-E001-1 Simultaneous detection of C. difficile toxins A and B pdf-download 96well plate 385,00
TGC-E002-1 Separate detection of C. difficile toxins A and B pdf-download 96well plate 485,00
TGC-E099-1 Customized assembled C. difficile toxin A/B detection kit 96well plate On request
TGC-E101-1 Separate detection of IgG and IgA antibodies directed against toxin A (TcdA) of C. difficile pdf-download 96well plate 529,00
TGC-E102-1 Separate detection of IgG and IgA antibodies directed against toxin B (TcdB) of C. difficile pdf-download 96well plate 529,00
TGC-E199-1 Customized assembled anti C. difficile toxin A/B antibody detection kit 96well plate On request
TGC-E301-1 C. difficile GDH detection kit 96well plate 364,00